Monday, June 30, 2008

Yes, yes, we're alright!

I can't believe that I've not posted since April.
No, I take that back. I know full well that I've not.
I've felt guilty.
I've missed you all.
I've missed sharing stories with you.
I've been busy.
I've finally been all of the first three and a little bit of the last all at once and so here we are,
kicking off year two off this blog.
I've many stories to share from the past TWO months (good grief, and apologies all around) so my thanks to those of you who have ventured back here to check up on me.
I've also discovered that I had a whack (A whack, I tell you!) of "sent" emails that never got sent and darned if I can't figure out why they won't send and how to send more. This isn't with gmail of course, but an apparent problem with my computer/email account that I paid/pay for.
Keep sending email as I can read 'em -I just can't reply as of yet.
ManNorth has been itching to post on the blog for a while and he's gone and written a post, complete with a photo illustration so momentarily, I'll put up his article.
(Hurray, two posts in one day!)
I'll leave you with this tidbit that might keep you guessing. Kudos to those of you who guess correctly.
Last month ManNorth and I saw FOUR of these fly past our apartment balcony. We heard their loud calls (hint, hint) long before they flew past and so we dashed out onto the balcony in our robes as they went by. (ManNorth of course, pointed out that this is the first time since we moved here that I've thrown caution to the wind and ventured out without being, ahem, properly attired. And it was worth it:

photo copyright TPWD

I just wish we'd had time to grab our camera!

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