Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Need I say more?

Actually, yes, I do!
There was a beautiful ice fog covering the town and the surrounding land today. ManNorth was working outside today and took some photos. This is what it looks like in high humidity and low temperatures around here! (Photos coming soon -he's on his way home.)
I'll speak for him and repeat one of his platitudes (to which I hold) to head off at least one of your likely inquires in reply to this post, possibly asking us about finding this temperature cold. (Which of course it is, but one can prepare):
"There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing." -ManNorth, time interminable


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to get outside with the kids more this winter. I was wondering if you could do a post about good clothing for cold weather? What would you recommend for Emily, who is sitting in the stroller and not moving around at all? Maybe you could just email me your thoughts. Glad you're back!

Heather said...

That's a little crisp. But at least the sun's back. Sort of.

WomanNorth said...

Good idea Andrea!
I've set you an email but I think that's a fine topic for a future post. Perhaps I can get ManNorth to contribute as that's one of his favourite topics.

Yep, crisp is how ManNorth described it and said his nose "got a bit cold". It was so cold though, that when he moved our jumper cables around in the truck yesterday the plastic cracked and broke completely off them. We'll need to buy a new cold-hardy set here asap.