Sunday, October 21, 2007


My apologies everyone: I got the numbers wrong in my last post and my town isn't swimming in nearly as much buttermilk as I'd thought. Phooey.
Like the childhood game of telephone, the size of the accidental order grew as the story was passed along to me such that I was off by a factor of ten. There were only 1,200 litres accidentally ordered, which was still a big enough amount that the story made the national news (which is sort of amusing in its own right).
To spin the story another more personal way, we're now the proud owners of 6.8% of that order! Including a few litres that TheManNorth consumed and a bit that was added to our pancakes this morning, we have 81 litres (about 21 gallons) of milk stored out on our balcony.
I think that's still deserving of this blog, no?

And, no, it's not just sitting out in the snow, as the ravens would be sure to shred the containers open and we'd end up with buttermilk icicles. It's secured in a very large plastic container and a cooler. If we get more, it will be in the snow, but hidden from curious corvids under a tarp currently covering my bicycle.

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