Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday news brief

Our final buttermilk tally is 101 litres, most of it now frozen in boxes and cartons on our balcony. That's over $400 of free milk! Hurrah!

The sun isn't rising until almost 10:30 in the morning as we count down to the time when it doesn't rise at all (see ticker in sidebar). I think this is pretty darn cool, and am really glad TheMan North has as many lights on his bike as he does and am glad for the chains he's put on both tires as they really help grip on the ice and snow. Yep, he's still riding it to work and back, although one of these days he'll start snowshoing or skiing instead. (Thanks muchly to Steph and The Boy, as we used your wedding gift to buy the supplies to make the chains.)
There's been a meme circulating around some of the blogs I read now and then and it asks blog owners to post 5 phrases (with or without quotation marks) that return their own blog as the first listed in a google search. Phrases that put Sojourn North at the top were: loud sinus clearing event, TheManNorth, curious corvids under a tarp, "que maniacal laughter" and "shopping for a skidoo at your local grocery store". Only the last two phrases needed quotation marks.

We've had a few mornings with heavy ice fog here in NorthernTown and the hoar frost has just been INCREDIBLE! I took some photos midday after the first frost and thought you just might enjoy a few of them.

1 comment:

Steph said...

How beautiful those pictures are!